Katja Anelia

About me

My path
I know, that I don't know.

Through eating disorders, early childhood complex trauma, depression and psychosomatic illnesses, my path led me to self-healing and self-responsibility very early on. I learned that healing takes time, trust and safe relationship spaces.

In my profession as a psychiatric nurse, I also quickly came into contact with the consequences of trauma, relationship difficulties and addiction, but often lacked the time to accompany them appropriately and sensitively.

That's why, as an alternative practitioner and coach, I use methods that are gentle, natural and effective in the long term. I accompany you in direct contact to the places that are sometimes too painful to look at alone and explore new ways of living together with you and your loved ones.

Part of my work also includes queer, non-monogamous and sex-positive spaces, which deeply influence my attitude.

The work I offer is culturally sensitive, queer-inclusive, trauma sensitive and nervous system regulating.
The sessions can be done in English, German, Spanish and Portuguese.

Become, who you already are.

Become, who you already are.

Part of my path was getting to know and experiencing Gestalt therapy, which as a holistic, value-free and experience-oriented form of psychotherapy enables profound changes on the relational level possible.

It is about the path of becoming whole and to experience life in the here and now as it is.
I combine my professional experience as a Gestalt therapist with my personal healing path in Gestalt- and Psychotherapy and the influences of grounded spirituality, nature, creative expression, music, conscious sexuality and much more.
Systemic Coaching
Another important step for me was to look beyond the past and focus on what I really want and how I can achieve it.

With systemic coaching, we look together at your wishes and goals and work out together whether and how you want to achieve them. The focus is more future-oriented and solution-oriented. There is also room for all areas of life.
Ayurveda came into my life when I was in a very difficult relationship with myself. As a mother of two young children, living in Brazil, I was often confronted with a feeling of being unsupported and overwhelmed. I gradually learned through Ayurveda to actively support my body and mind in healing and maintaining health. Ayurveda still teaches me to better understand and respond to my body's needs and limitations.

My personal and professional experience and love of Ayurveda informs my work as much as my conventional medical knowledge. It is complemented by European naturopathy to include sustainable and local products and foods.
 Healing is something that happens, when we make space for it to happen. 
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